To diagnose SVT, the doctor will review your symptoms and patient’s medical history and conduct a physical examination. Doctor may test for — conditions that may trigger the SVT, such as heart disease or a problem with patient’s thyroid gland. The doctor may also perform heart-monitoring tests specific to arrhythmia. These may include:
During an ECG, sensors (electrodes) that can detect the electrical activity of patient’s heart are attached to your chest and sometimes to your limbs. An ECG measures the timing and duration of each electrical phase in patient’s heartbeat.
This portable ECG device can be worn for a day or more to record patient’s heart's activity as he/she go about his/her routine.
For sporadic episodes of SVT, patient keep this portable ECG device available, attaching it to patient’s body and pressing a button when he/she has symptoms. This lets the doctor check patient’s heart rhythm at the time of their symptoms.
In this noninvasive test, a hand-held device (transducer) placed on patient’s chest uses sound waves to produce images of his/her heart's size, structure and motion.
- Implantable loop recorder
This device detects abnormal heart rhythms and is implanted under the skin in the chest area.If the doctor doesn't find an arrhythmia during those tests, he/she may try to trigger arrhythmia with other tests, which may include:
For some people, SVT is triggered or worsened by stress or exercise. During a stress test, patient will be asked to exercise on a treadmill or stationary bicycle while his/her heart activity is monitored. If doctors are evaluating to determine if coronary artery disease may be causing the arrhythmia, and if he/she has difficulty exercising, then the doctor may use a drug to stimulate the heart in a way that's similar to exercise.
The doctor may recommend this test if the patient had fainting spells. The heart rate and blood pressure are monitored as the patient lie flat on a table. The table is then tilted as if he/she was standing up. The doctor observes how the heart and the nervous system that controls it respond to the change in angle.
- Electrophysiological testing and mapping
In this test, doctors thread thin tubes (catheters) tipped with electrodes through patient’s blood vessels to a variety of spots within heart. Once in place, the electrodes can map the spread of electrical impulses through the heart.
- In addition, the cardiologist can use the electrodes to stimulate patient’s heart to beat at rates that may halt- an arrhythmia. This allows the doctor to see the location of the arrhythmia and what may be causing it.